Thursday, February 22, 2007

Your Mommy Lied; You're Not 'Special'

Ah the generation of entitlement, whiny little Prats running around thinking they deserve the world because mommy and daddy spent every day telling them just how ‘special and wonderful’ they are and how they’re going to be great people.

The baby boomer generation has been exceptionally overprotective and weak in their ability to develop functioning human beings. Their theories are failing; don’t forget it’s best to breast feed them until they’re ten, but never hit them, never ever punish them when they do something wrong.

They should have been telling the truth: (The one thing my hard ass mean old mother did very well.)

Nobody is going to take care of you except you, so stop fucking bitching, get your ass moving, get a job, learn to function and don’t break the goddamn law.

Guess what, life is rough, so buy a fucking helmet and get used to the bumpy ride. And don’t worry, as a parent, I’m not here to be your fucking friend so when you steal, lie, cheat or misbehave, I’m going to help you understand the fucking consequences. (My mother broke a wooden paddle over my ass at the age of 8 when I stole cookies and lied about it. I have never been arrested or fired from a job.)

Life has winners and losers. Sorry kid, but chances are that your best will never be good enough and chances are you’re a loser. Most people are losers and until you do something great to prove otherwise, you’re going to remain a loser. (My mother didn’t compliment me, but when I came home with a poor report card, she grounded me, established study hours, and called me a Dumb-Ass. I made it through college with two degrees.)

However, if you pay attention in school, educate yourself, work hard, and stick to your values, you might come out alright in the end.

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